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History of the Palace

In 1909, Fryderyk Grunberg built a palace where he lived until 1945.  The palace went through several transformations and is currently being used as a nursing home and assisted living residence.

Years 1950-1960
From 1950 - 1960, the ownership of the palace and adjacent park was transferred to the National Rural Administration of Przytock.  A preschool for local children was established and workshops for tractor drivers organized by the National Rural Administration were conducted on premises.

Years 1960 - 1970
In 1960, the National Rural Administration established a rent-free lease of the palace and grounds to the Sewing Needle Manufacturing Company based in Lodz.  The palace building itself was used as a summer camp dormitory for children of factory workers.
 Because of the high maintenance cost of the palace (only two months were producing income), the Sewing Needle Manufacturing Company resigned from the lease in 1970.

Years 1970-1997
The National Rural Administration in Przytock transferred the palace and the adjacent park free of charge to Caritas in Warsaw.  The decision was made by the governor of Koszalin on April 20, 1974.  The transfer was completed on July 10, 1974.

From 1975 to 1977, repairs to the palace were completed in order to meet a goal set forth in which the palace would house 60 mentally disabled boys.

On March 28, 1977 the first wards were admitted.  The group consisted of 30 boys who were transferred from a residential nursing home in Gdynia that was closed down.  More children came to the institution in October 1977.

Management of the nursing home and assisted living residence for children in Przytock was taken over by the Franciscan Sister Missionaries of Mary.  The Sisters lead the institution until September 1990.

On September 26, 1990, a written agreement between The Ministry of Labor and Social Policy and The Institute of the Brothers of Christian Schools was set forth in which Institute of the Brothers of Christian Schools became responsible for managing the nursing home and assisted living residence.

On June 7, 1993, the governor of Slupsk and The Institute of the Brothers of Christian Schools signed another agreement regarding the leadership of the nursing home and assisted living residence.  The agreement was renewed on December 30, 1995.

The Institute of the Brothers of Christian Schools continues today to lead the nursing home and assisted living residence.

Organization and present status
The operation of the nursing home and assisted living residence in Przytock is guided by:
The Act of social help from 12 of March 2004 about social help  (Nr. 64, par. 593, amended later)
The ruling of The Minister of Social Politics on October 19, 2005 regarding nursing homes and assisted living residences.
A conditional allowance (Nr. 1/2000) established by the governor of Slupsk to operate the nursing home and assisted living residence facility.
A written agreement between the representatives of Slupsk and the The Institute of the Brothers of Christian Schools in Kopiec regarding management and finances of the facility.

The provincial Curia office of the Institute of the Brothers of Christian Schools in Kopiec set forth a charter by which the institution functions.  The charter regulates the name, type, organization, management rules, range of services, policies, and responsibilities of the residents.  The nursing home and assisted living residence is an institution of the Church and is financed through funds allocated in the national budget and mediated by the district of Slupsk.
The nursing home and assisted living residence is designed to house boys with moderate to severe intellectual disabilities.  As mandated in the charter, the provincial of the Brothers of Christian Schools determines who will serve as the principal of the institution.

The goal of the nursing home and assisted living residence in Przytock is to satisfy the living and personal needs of its residents in order to allow them to lead a dignified life through proving:

a place to live with proper furniture, bedding, and personal hygiene provisions
clothing, underwear, shoes, and other personal possessions
food prepared in accordance with doctors' dietary prescriptions
nursing care including feeding, clothing, and assisted bathing for residents who are unable to bathe themselves
rehabilitation services (including Kinesiologic and physical therapy) if available
 occupational therapy
dignified treatment and access to religious services
a peaceful and safe environment in the institution and during activities conducted outside the institution.